About Donna
Donna Su (she/her/ella) is an elected school board member for Evanston/Skokie District 65 in Illinois (2021 - 2025). She is the current School Board liaison for Dewey Elementary and Haven Middle School, prior liaison with Oakton Elementary and Dawes Elementary. Additionally, she sits on the Park School Advisory Board, and serves as the board representative to Ed-Red, and sits on the Personnel, Buildings and Grounds, and Finance committee, previously also on the city of Evanston/District 65/District 202 committee
Born in Evanston to immigrant parents from Taiwan, she was raised in Darien, Illinois before moving to Southern California for the remainder of her high school years. Donna earned her Bachelor's degree at the University of California, Santa Barbara and while working full-time, she has completed graduate work part-time, such as her Masters degree in Public Policy & Administration from Northwestern University. Additionally, she holds certificates in Business Administration and Higher Education Administration & Policy, both from Northwestern. With corporate experience in finance, computer science and engineering, she chose to enter the administrative side of higher education. For the past 17 years, Donna has worked full-time at Northwestern University, currently as the Associate Director of Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid for Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications. She is currently an executive doctoral student at the University of Pennslyvania in Higher Education Management, focusing her research on A.I. and its ethical use in higher education.
Donna chose to Evanston as her home to live and raise her family when she moved to Evanston in 2006. She has two children - a 10th grader and 6th grader in the district - whom inspire and challenge her regularly.
Principled. Proven. Progressive
Following early career roles in corporate finance and computer science, Donna joined Northwestern University in 2006 and has held a variety of roles in financial aid, admissions, and operations. In the spring quarter of 2020, Donna taught a class at Northwestern University on Finance & Accounting for the Gig Economy so she brings viewpoints from an administrator, student, parent and teacher to her work. Known for her progressive ideals and skills in bringing people together, Donna has contributed countless hours to Northwestern’s equity work, with roles in initiatives such as Changemakers, Listening to Black Students Academic Advising, LBGTQIA+ allyship program, APIDA Staff Affinity Group, First Generation, McCormick Mental Health Ally, and the ANUW Women Mentoring committee.
Outside of her professional career, Donna is an active citizen and community volunteer, particularly with a commitment to our public schools and educational equity. She has previously served on the exec team for the District 65 PTA Council, PTA Equity Project (PEP) enrichment committee and leadership roles at her children's school PTAs. ​Donna’s volunteer contributions have included past board member for Hip Circle Empowerment Center and The Parent Circle, AYSO volunteer coach, and committee service for Chiaravalle Montessori and the City of Evanston with the MWEBE (Minority & Women Businesses) and Housing & Development. Nationally, she served on the leadership team for her sorority, alpha Kappa Delta Phi, starting with co-founding the sorority chapter at UCSB to President of the Alumnae Association and serving on Board of Directors for Operations, Expansion, and her last two years as Chairman where she was involved with the inception of its alumnae association - scholarship programming, membership drives, mentoring program, 501(c)3 nonprofit status, organization of database/CRM among other things. Most recently, she served on the board of directors for the Chamber Music @ Bethany, City of Evanston Budgetary Participation - AASPA, and Evanston AASPA.
Donna believes that she can bring strategic planning, fiscal management and change management to the District through the team strengths of the School Board.

Contact Donna
Paid for by Friends of Donna Wang Su. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.
© 2022 by Allison Ma; Donna Su